Our new best friend Selena tears mini-man Justin apart when he tries to get her back by sending her some chivalrous dick pics. Justin responds by telling her he has a lot of cash, and the rest is hilarious (questionably real) history. This is gold.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez may have played "Hide the Tip" once or twice recently, but their adolescent, hormone-kissed love is officially no more, as evidenced by a string of leaked texts obtained last week by RadarOnline.com. In it, our new best friend Selena tears mini-man Justin apart when he tries to get her back by sending her some chivalrous dick pics (which Radar blocked out…prudes). What can we say, this stuff is pure gold.


We can't tell if this is real or not, but after the deep, encompassing feeling of satisfaction that conversation gave us, it doesn't even matter.