Pushing the limits of technology into the bedroom.
You've checked in at the gym. You've checked in at work. And you've even checked in before you left to go check in. But now, those inane check ins all pale in comparison to the new Planned Parenthood marketing campaign that allows one to "check in" after the most intimate time of the day, sex. As part of national condom week – a week no one knows much about – Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest has launched a new campaign on the local college campus featuring a condom wrapper with the always-ignored marketing tool, the QR code. The idea is that after sexual deviants bump uglies, they can check in to a global map of other couples uploading their safe sex conquests. Along with the check in, a person can comment about their use of a condom during those two minutes of glorious sex. Planned Parenthood believes that this open and social interactions encourage pride in preventing those pesky afterthoughts like pregnancies and STDs – and we all know kids and herpes are for life.
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