"What does Valentine's Day taste like?" the multi-million dollar news conglomerate asked its readers in a probing question surely meant to tickle their minds and taste buds alike. "To some, it tastes like chocolate. Others prefer chalky heart-shaped SweeTarts. For us, love day tastes like latex and sweat," they revealed, forgoing literally every other more important topic in the name of licking some goo off latex dick socks.

Surely by now, you've been informed about the collapse of journalism. Thoughtful articles which convey a message about current events or lifestyle topics are being replaced as big, steamy .gif dumps and things like this take over the internet. But we're not going to sit here and debate whether that's right or wrong with you. That would be #bananas. But what we are going to do, is offer you an a hypothesis about what brought about such destruction: this video of Huff Post employees taste-testing condoms. 

"What does Valentine's Day taste like?" the multi-million dollar news conglomerate asked its readers in a probing question surely meant to tickle their minds and taste buds alike. "To some, it tastes like chocolate. Others prefer chalky heart-shaped SweeTarts. For us, love day tastes like latex and sweat," they revealed, forgoing literally every other more important topic in the name of licking some goo off latex dick socks.

As thousands of stories from across the globe went untold, the boys and girls of HuffPost satiated their hunger with a  feast of flavored lube, spending countless time and resources writing an article about it and producing a video in which they proceed to discuss their findings, talk show style, painstakingly reviewing every option from chocolate to cola.

And while we didn't need to waste eight minutes of our lives on a video that questioned the practicality of flavored condoms, we're glad we did for two reasons. First, now we finally understand why nobody reads the news, but more importantly, we now know for certain that garlic is the worst condom flavor. Never would have guessed that one!