Ball kids have a tough job. Chase the balls, throw the balls and even take balls to the face. And they don't even get paid. Don't underestimate their resilience and ability to maintain composure though even when faced with a fury yellow rubber ball barreling down on their forehead at about 60 mph. This kid should be an example for employees everywhere wondering what hard work and job dedication entails. He gets hit in the face and doesn't even budge. You done good kid.

Ball kids have a tough job. Chase the balls, throw the balls and even take balls to the face. And they don't even get paid. Don't underestimate their resilience and ability to maintain composure though even when faced with a fury yellow rubber ball barreling down on their forehead at about 60 mph. This kid should be an example for employees everywhere wondering what hard work and job dedication entails. He gets hit in the face and doesn't even budge. You done good kid.He gets hit in the face and doesn't even budge. You done good kid.