Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby: My boss is super-sexy. I want to make a move but am afraid it could all go to hell—my job and my respect. Is there a way to tell if he likes me or not? 

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, I want to have hot anger-sex with my partner, but we don’t fight. How?

Dear Ibby

10 More dumbfounding sex questions answered in a minute or less

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, How do I ask my male friend to watch my boyfriend and I fuck?

Dear Ibby

Even more entirely absurd sex questions that take one microsecond to answer

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, Why does my boyfriend masturbate when I’m home? I’m like, right there.

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, What do you do when you’re both into being the more submissive one?

Dear Ibby

10 More ridiculous sex questions answered in under a minute

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, The guys I’m seeing always ghost me. What am I doing wrong?

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby Reviews: Oopsix Mini Style Wand

Dear Ibby

10 More of your ridiculous sex questions answered in under a minute

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, The guy I’m seeing is so into anal, but I hate it. What should I do?

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, I’m so confused. Do girls want you to buy them drinks at the bar or not?

Dear Ibby

10 Truly ridiculous sex questions we’ve received, answered in under a minute

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, What do you do when you have crazy sexual tension with a good friend?

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, hate my girlfriend’s dog. It’s coming between us. What should I do?

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, What’s the best etiquette for leaving after a one-night stand?

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, What should I do when my boyfriend won’t fuck me because he’s stoned?

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, My germaphobe boyfriend won’t eat me out. What can I say to him?

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, All my GF wants to do is fuck. Sometimes, I just want to talk. What gives?

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, I hate my friend’s fiance. What should I do?

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, All I want to do is wear my girlfriend’s clothes while we fuck …

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, I went down on a girl with a huge clit and now I watch gay porn because it’s all I can think about. What’s wrong with me?

Dear Ibby

Dear Ibby, Every time my girlfriend gets drunk, she becomes verbally abusive. What should I do?