

Après Party at Ace Eat Serve: Killer Asian fusion, live music, ping pong and heated outdoor igloos keep the party going

Viral Videos

Daily Viral: “Summer on Fire” shows Dakota Walz ripping new Colorado climbing route as wildfires rage all around


Conspiracy Today: Melania Trump’s body-double has returned again — this time, following First Lady’s COVID diagnosis


Meet Dante Ward: Base-jumper extraordinaire, professional sky-diver, speed-flier and Boulder native with cojones of steel

Viral Videos

Daily Viral: Anderson Cooper calls Donald Trump “an obese Turtle on his back flailing in the hot Sun, realizing his time is over”

News Briefs

Skier David Lesh banned from National Forests after posting photos pooping in Maroon Bells Lake, standing on Hanging Lake log


Winning the War on Drugs: Oregon decriminalizes ALL drugs, as cannabis legalization passes in four other states


Coping with COVID: Scientists fear that America is developing a serious drinking problem, because of pandemic hardships


November 2020 Issue


2020’s election will decide fate of cannabis in America: Will pot remain Schedule 1? Or is everything about to change?


Conspiracy Today: Joe Biden’s cryptic “Dark Winter” debate comment references a deep-state bio-terrorist operation


Why is it so normal for girls to get drunk and hook up with each other, but not for guys to get drunk and hook up?


Pandemic Portraits: A snapshot of Denver’s colorful characters, captured in the light of these strange times

Viral Videos

Daily Viral: Azerbijan drops action-packed military music video, moments before launching military attack on Armenia


Penciling in the Madness: Raccoons, Magic Mushrooms and More From John Casey’s Bizarre World of Art


Fyre Fest fraudster locked in solitary, after releasing podcast telling his side of 2017 music festival disaster

News Briefs

NASA and CU Boulder both publish separate studies, announcing water has been discovered on the moon!


Covid Can’t Kill Mushrooms: The coronavirus has infected, but not killed, the movement to bring magic mushrooms to the masses


Artist EggZoo Talks Inspiration and Offers A Look Inside His Psychedelic Asian-Styled Arcade Art


Rooster Exclusive: Q&A with porno star Jonny the Monkey — “#1 most popular celebrity in all Kazakhstan,” and close friend of Borat


Cannabis reduces symptoms of OCD by as much as 50%, new research finds — offering natural antidepressant alternative


Colorado Springs City Council president, stands up for psychedelic mushrooms’ during decriminalization presentation


Subtle Horror: The Surreal Artwork of Chemical Messiah is a Psychedelic Twilight Zone

News Briefs

Snowboarders get Colorado’s first-ever criminal charges for triggering avalanche, adding yet another threat to the backcountry