News Briefs

News Briefs

The Freshmaker: Student stripped of scholarship after putting semen in breath mint drops.

News Briefs

Man with 8-month erection sues doctor over hard times.

News Briefs, the #1 Christian porn site is Jesus approved

News Briefs

Female Israeli soldiers give new meaning to serving your country

News Briefs

Exclusive job site for beautiful people. Finally a site that understands our needs.

News Briefs

Study confirms what any single person already knows: both males and females lie about past sexual encounters to protect image

News Briefs

Canada makes glow-in-the-dark coin giving us yet another reason to dislike Canada.

News Briefs

Wanted: mother-daughter porn duo seek real life father-son duo for films

News Briefs

Australia is the happiest nation on earth. They can go f*ck themselves.

News Briefs

Couple stabs each other over ‘American Idol’ finale.

News Briefs

Mom has cops arrest son for allegedly stealing Pop Tarts. It seems fair.

News Briefs

Sergio Garcia says he’ll have Tiger Woods over for fried chicken. Wait, what?

News Briefs

Nothing says “I love you” like getting arrested for prostitution while on your honeymoon

News Briefs

Brooklyn bar to host smallest penis contest. Finally, a contest we can win.

News Briefs

Hipsters’ PBR obsession driving up price of beer. Seriously.

News Briefs

Man removes porn face tattoos in courageous career move

News Briefs

Customer service at its finest: Daycare loses 5-year-old offers mom $7 discount

News Briefs

Smokejumpers land in illegal pot garden.

News Briefs

Angry dad sprays suspected bully with pepper spray. Who’s the bigger dick?

News Briefs

Man receives hate mail. The kicker? It’s written on an 8-inch dildo.

News Briefs

China builds phallic skyscraper then censors all internet searches about it.

News Briefs

Man Mauled By Train, Woman Sues for Injuries from Flying Body Parts

News Briefs

Denver fans know how to trash talk. Especially to Stephen Curry

News Briefs

MMA Fighters are Tough (and Crazy)